The Ministry of Education has for a few years, launched an early childhood education plan to encourage more play in the school for pre-schoolers. More time should be allocated for the child to be creative and experience learning through play. The plan has aroused interest, but concerns have also be
August 1, 2019
Enhance your child’s language skills.
In Lambano Learning Centre we believe that: Children are special and unique. Everyone has the potential to be great learners. Children are learners who enjoys challenges. Every opportunity should be given to them to increase their development. A child is an individual and deserves the caring and the
Play and learn in the Play-school Environment Being in the education service, I have encountered many parents who are “shopping” for the pre-schools for their little ones. When asked what they desire for their child, most of the responses are that they be able to read, write and know their numbe
Reading stories Reading opens a new world for the reader. There is so much power in words. When you put the words together to create a sentence and then into a story, you have unimaginable power. Stories ignite a sense of adventure, generates one’s curiosity and encourages a need to explore. Sto
Did you know that the English Language has 26 letters in the alphabet? These 26 letters make 44 letters sounds. Some letters make more than one sound. Sixteen letters almost always make the same sound! Phonics provides the insight to know which sounds these letters make and when. The sixteen letters
It’s been said that children learn through play. I am not doubting that for a bit. Fred Donaldson said, “Children learn as they play. Most importantly in play, children learn how to learn .” Playing is what children do. It is wonderful to know how to play! Its how our brain learns! A child can